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DIY Tennis Court Repainting



DIY Tennis Court Repainting


Thinking of repainting your Tennis Court ? 

Want to save a bit of money by doing it yourself, and want some advice plus a place to get all your kit ? Well we have all of that for you and more.

Before going any further, you need to know what surface type your Tennis Court has. It is most likely Macadam, this is because these types of surfaces are ideal for weather conditions where there is heavy rainfall.

They are also extremely durable, making them ideal for high activity sports such as Tennis, with relatively low maintenance. But wear and tear is inevitable, and the paint work is no exception.

Step 1. Cleaning your Tennis Court

Prior to any painting work, you must make sure that your Tennis Court is clean, see the FAQ section for more on that.

Once it is clean, any divots should be taken care of. You can get an all in 1 floor repair kit from Big Ben’s Supplies.

Step 2. How To Apply Tennis Court Paint: The Painting Process

There are only 2 feasible methods of painting a large area such as a Tennis Court in a time sensitive manner, Airless sprayer or most commonly with a roller and premium roller sleeves.

 (It is always a good idea to open the paint bucket after laying out an old sheet or a dust sheet, & then decanting the paint into a scuttle bucket.)



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